Career Objective

To enhance my educational and professional skills in a stable and dynamic workplace that oers a positive atmosphere to learn and implement new skills and technologies for the betterment of the organization .


  1. education : 0
    experience : 0
    skills : 100

Personal Details

Name : Nowshin Tasnia

Email :

Phone : ['+88-01631159401', '01712722075']

Total Years Of Experience : 6


skills_from_resume : Security, Linux, Marketing, C, Content writing, R, Css, Windows, Wordpress, Database, Writing, International, Python, Oracle, Technical, Analysis, Computer science, Facebook, Html, Training, Teaching, Website, Content

skills_from_job_Description : Css

matching_skills_between_resume_and_job_description : Css

Experience in years

experience_years_from_job_description :

experience_years_from_resume : 6

matching_skills_between_resume_and_job_Description :

required_experience_skills_from_job_description :


  1. 'No Data'

  2. degree : BSc in Computer Science
    institute : American International University
    results : CGPA: 3.20

  3. degree : Higher School Certicate
    institute : Milestone School and College
    results : GPA 4.83

  4. degree : Secondary School Certicate
    institute : Milestone School and College
    results : GPA: 5.00

Educations AI

  1. college : American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB)

    degree : BSc in Computer Science

    results : ['CGPA: 3.20/4.00']

Work Experiences

  1. Company : 1.Website Development(Wordpress),Digital Marketing,Content Writing
    Designation : Internship
    Duration : Jan 2020-Present

  2. Company : 2.Owner of an Online Page
    Designation : Entrepreneur
    Duration : Sept 2019-Present

  3. Company : 3.Working as a home tutor for over 2years
    Designation : Teacher
    Duration : Jan 2017-Present

  4. Company : 4.Volunteer in curriculum activities
    Designation : Volunteer
    Duration : Oct 2016-Present